
For more details and information, users are invited to look into these references:

  • Block, L.V. (1991): Joint hypocenter-velocity inversion of local earthquake arrival time data in two geothermal regions. Doctoral thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  • Block, L.V., Cheng, C.H., Fehler, M.C., Phillips, W.S.(1994): Seismic imaging using microearthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing. Geophysics 59(1), 102-112.

  • Giroux, B. (2001): Auscultation des barrages en béton par écoute microsismique: détectabilité et localisation des événements. Doctoral thesis, Université de Montréal.

  • Nasr, M., Giroux, B., Dupuis, J.C.(2020): A hybrid approach to compute seismic travel times in three‐dimensional tetrahedral meshes. Geophys. Prospect. 68(4), 1291-1313.

  • Nasr, M., Giroux, B., Dupuis, J. C. (2021): Python package for 3D joint hypocenter-velocity inversion on tetrahedral meshes: Parallel implementation and practical considerations. Comput. Geosci., (submitted).